GraniteStone NutriBlade Knives: A Chef’s Perspective – Our Honest Review

If you’re anything like me, you love a new hobby. I recently tried my hand at gardening. Instead of having a green thumb, I had a pair of hands that killed every plant it touched. So, I decided gardening wasn’t for me, and eventually, I found myself paging through the cookbooks I had been given throughout the years.

I decided instead of killing plants, I would spend my time cooking my way through my favorite cookbook. There was only one problem: My knife set was absolutely terrible.

The recipe in question called for a bunch of chopped vegetables, and when I was finally slicing my last tomato (it took probably twice as long as it should’ve, thanks to my dull knives), my husband, Geoffrey, came into the kitchen and asked how the meal was coming along.

I complained to him, and he suggested buying a sharpening block or a new set of knives. But everything we found online in our preliminary research was WAY out of our budget. Then, would you believe it, the very next day, I saw an ad for a set of GraniteStone Nutriblade Knives on TV.

I usually don’t pay attention to TV ads (I like to do the crossword while commercials play), but this one definitely caught my eye. The knives looked razor sharp; they cut through pineapples with one chop, made razor-thin slices of vegetables, and sliced bread effortlessly.

I was also intrigued by the promise of long-lasting, razor-sharp blades — unlike my current set, these ones wouldn’t wear out fast. I assumed this set would also be out of my budget since I try not to invest too much money into my fleeting hobbies. I was shocked at the $29 price point!

I picked up my phone and called to place an order immediately. I felt like it was a low commitment to order since the ad told me they had a 30-day money-back guarantee. So even if I didn’t like them, I could quickly send them back and get a full refund.

But after just a few days, the knives arrived and completely changed my life in the kitchen. I would absolutely recommend these to anyone who cooks at home, even just a little bit. They’ve totally changed both the quality of what I cook and my own enjoyment of cooking.

What Are the Features of NutriBlade Knives?

My favorite thing about my set of Nutriblade knives is the quality and variety of the knives. The Santoku knife is the biggest option in the set, and it has been a lifesaver this summer. My kids always want watermelon when it’s hot outside — we live in Florida, so they crave watermelon year-round.

With my old knife set, cutting up a watermelon would take some hard work and at least 15 minutes. Now, with the Santoku knife, I can have watermelon ready for my kids with as little as three slices and two minutes. Additionally, the paring knife works perfectly for cutting up fruit into small pieces for my toddler.

But, like I said, all the knives in this set are wonderful! I have used the slicer and breadknife so many times in the morning while packing the kids’ lunchboxes. The slicer quickly cuts off the deli meat I need, and the bread knife cuts off perfectly even pieces of sourdough in one swipe.

The knives are also non-stick, so I can quickly move from one food to another if I need to — I don’t have to worry about one type of food transferring to another. This set has made the mornings a breeze for me.

Do These Knives Stay Sharp?

You’re probably wondering if these knives stay sharp as long as they promise. I was wondering that, too. But even after weeks of using the knives for breakfast and dinner, they’re still just as sharp as when they first arrived in the mail.

Now, I always know to look for stainless steel blades when I buy knives — they definitely seem to last the longest and stay the sharpest, plus they’re so easy to take care of. I can even throw them in the dishwasher at the end of a long day when I don’t have the energy to hand wash things. The fact that these are all stainless steel is a HUGE plus to me.

Are NutriBlade Knives Comfortable?

Another reason I love these knives is because they are so comfortable to use! A few years ago, my husband was diagnosed with arthritis in his hands. This was a major blow since my husband loves to do handiwork and DIY projects around the house.

Additionally, cooking has always been a major bonding activity for me and my husband, but sometimes, using cookware and cooking utensils makes the arthritis in his hands flare up. However, as soon as we got this new knife set, my husband hasn’t once complained about chopping onions or slicing zucchini! Now, he volunteers for these tedious tasks because he is so comfortable doing it.

Every knife in this set has a comfortable grip on the handle that won’t slip out of your hand (even when dealing with wet ingredients). Each knife also has a nice proper weight, making it easier to control and maneuver into fine slicing motions.

Do These Knives Look Good?

The last thing I have to mention is that I just love the way the knife set looks in our kitchen. We recently moved into a newer model house to make room for all the kids, and I’ve been having some trouble organizing my kitchen.

We just have so many cooking machines and tools cluttering the countertops, it’s hard to pull together a cohesive aesthetic in the kitchen. However, when I placed the knife set on my kitchen counter, they immediately blended in with the modern design of the house.

They look sleek and minimalistic and don’t distract the eye. I like the black color in my kitchen because it matches our bar chairs, but I am sure the blue would look lovely in a more colorful kitchen.

Run, Don’t Walk, To Buy These Knives!

Because of the low price point (and because I love them so much), I have bought this knife set for three friends already. They are busy moms who want a reliable kitchen tool to make mealtime quick and easy.

Everyone has called to thank me for giving them this knife set, and they all said that even their husbands have noticed the difference! I told them about Geoffrey’s sudden love for slicing vegetables, and they thought it was hilarious!

Cooking is still my favorite hobby, and I have my Granitestone Nutriblade Knives to thank for making me feel excited about being in the kitchen. I am almost through my cookbook, and I’ve become a pro at dicing, chopping, and slicing.

Both my husband and I have enjoyed every minute of using these knives, and after dealing with my old, horribly dull set, I didn’t think that was possible. I certainly never thought that an online purchase would bring me so much joy and satisfaction, but I definitely don’t think I will be giving up cooking anytime soon, thanks to these knives.

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